About kc&b - Design Build Contractor
Raising the bar in residential building design and construction, HVAC, steel building and concept design services-- kc&b delivers.
Established in Brandon, Manitoba in 2002 as a Father/Son duo, Keystone Contractors & Builders has grown and expanded. Recently rebranded to better reflect current realities, kc&b inc. with the underlying service brands kc&b concept, kc&b geoexchange, kc&b build and kc&b steel continue with the original passion and commitment.
At the forefront of innovation, kc&b designs and products exude quality-whether in the latest show home, retrofits or rebuilds, or commercial, industrial and agricultural steel building offerings. Our ISO 9001:2008 Certified Quality Management Systems ensures not only a quality end product for you but additionally and even more importantly, a show of our untiring commitment to "raising the bar". With a "Do the Right Thing" mantra embedded into our people and organization, our pledge to you is an ongoing commitment to continue to compete only with ourselves in delivering on our promises. kc&b, your design build construction contractor.
Contact us today to ensure a solid footing for your next construction project.